per dare un futuro alla vita   
e valore al futuro


In joy vintage sustainable fashion

Evento dedicato alla promozione della moda sostenibile con una riflessione sullo sfruttamento della manodopera, l'aumento dei consumi e dei rifiuti tessili.

In joy vintage first event will be structured as a live event hosted in Amsterdam, Berlin or Milan, especially Berlin as one of the most sustainable european cities. The organizers are currently negotiating (as a start up) with local government agencies and authorities in Germany, to get support with patronage, venue and sponsorship. The event will span over two days with exhibition's stand, live debates and conferences chaired by industry leaders, influencers, sustainable fashion brands and manufactures.

The programme is running through main issues affecting the fashion industry offering solutions with the support of industry leaders, government agencies, influencers, and industry's experts. The event has received an unofficial support from the italian ministry of the Environment, and waiting for the official patronage. The conference will offer support and consultancy services to industry leaders, and educating consumers towards ethical choices. The exhibition area will be designed to host sustainable fashion brands and vintage's shop.

The event will be broadcasted through ethical association's channel, educational institutions government agencies.

The start up is aiming at getting support from government bodies, and media influencers, industry leaders to get our message out internationally, in order to slowing down fast fashion overproduction by reducing the consumer's demand and minimizing the damage on the environment and the spoiling of human lives, in developing countries.


Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile - ASviS
Via Farini 17, 00185 Roma C.F. 97893090585 P.IVA 14610671001

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