Activities and Partnerships
At the international level, ASviS is:
- an Associated Partner of the European Sustainable Development Network (Esdn), the informal network of institutional entities, associations and experts that have been working on sustainable development policies and strategies since 2003;
- a member of SDG Watch Europe, an EU-level, cross-sectoral CSO alliance of NGOs focusing on development, environment, social, human rights and other sectors;
- part of the United Nations Partnerships for SDGs platform, which provides global engagement for multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments from all stakeholders devoted to support the implementation of the SDGs;
- registered in the EU Transparency Register, jointly run by the EU Parliament and Commission;
- a founder and member of Europe Ambition 2030, a civil society coalition launched by ASviS and other international organizations with the aim of revising EU governance and policies in the light of the SDGs so as to turn them into the basis for all EU actions.
At national level, ASviS:
- has signed a memorandum of understanding with Global Compact Network Italia and Sustainable Development Solutions Network Italia. The former is a Foundation whose mission is to apply the UN’s Global Compact to the Italian context, whereas the latter is part of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network coordinated by J. Sachs and responds to the UN’s call for cooperation in promoting sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda in Italy.
- closely collaborates with the Italian network of universities for sustainable development (Rete delle università per lo sviluppo sostenibile, Rus), a network established by the Conference of Italian University Rectors. The Rus works to spread best practices of sustainability, both within and beyond Universities, by acting as a forum to share competencies and experiences so as to increase the positive environmental, social and economic impacts of actions put in place by universities. The network currently comprises over 50 Italian universities.