Sviluppo sostenibile
Lo sviluppo che consente alla generazione presente di soddisfare i propri bisogni senza compromettere la possibilità delle generazioni future di soddisfare i propri.

L'Agenda 2030 dell'Onu per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Il 25 settembre 2015, le Nazioni Unite hanno approvato l’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile, un piano di azione globale per le persone, il Pianeta e la prosperità.

Goal e Target: obiettivi e traguardi per il 2030
Ecco l'elenco dei 17 Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs) e dei 169 Target che li sostanziano, approvati dalle Nazioni Unite per i prossimi 15 anni.

Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
Nata il 3 febbraio del 2016 per far crescere la consapevolezza dell’importanza dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile e per mobilitare la società italiana, i soggetti economici e sociali e le istituzioni allo scopo di realizzare gli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile.

Progetti e iniziative per orientare verso uno sviluppo sostenibile

Contatti: Responsabile Rapporti con i media - Niccolò Gori Sassoli.
Scopri di più sull'ASviS per l'Agenda 2030

The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), that brings together almost 300 member organizations among the civil society, aims to raise the awareness of the Italian society, economic stakeholders and institutions about the importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to mobilize them in order to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Activities and Partnerships


The Alliance runs regularly calls to actions, special advocacy and awareness raising campaigns. An example of this kind of campaign is “One Goal a day”: an integrated awareness-raising campaign launched following the publication of its Report “Italy and the Sustainable Development Goals” which reached over 630 thousand people through social media, email, website, print and online outlets. Its main objective was to inform the public on Italy’s progress towards the SDGs by sharing the key findings of the ASviS Report in an informal and user-friendly format. Over the course of 17 days, each day was dedicated to one of the SDGs. By creatively assembling the report’s contents in 17 one-minute long videos, 17 infographics and 17 short texts summarizing findings and policy proposals, the general public was able to read, learn and share information about all aspects of sustainability in Italy.

ASviS runs also campaigns dedicated to each edition of the Sustainable Development Festival, registering every year millions of impressions.

In 2019 ASviS launched an important awareness raising initiative: the Saturdays for Future. Inspired by the global mobilization of the Fridays for Future, the objective was to transform Saturdays (during which most people do their weekly shopping) into days of commitment for responsible production and consumption for sustainable development. The initiative was also featured at the SDG Action Zone during the UN General Assembly 2019 in New York. The #SaturdaysforFuture hashtag reached over 11 million impressions on social media.
